Yoga with Louis Labovitch

Mixdeity Livestream

On Friday 1st May at 8:30pm I will be leading an online Ashtanga-based Yoga class followed by a meditation for one hour at Grant Park Manor. It will be donation only.
During this class we’ll be focussing on three of the eight arms of Yoga: 1) Pranayama – breath work (8 mins) 2) Asana – the postures (40 mins) 3) Meditation (15 mins) While we’re all trying not to go outside this is a perfect opportunity to venture into inner-space - to really listen to what’s going on in your mind and body. We’ve been so ridiculously busy that the mind becomes a spinning-top unable to stop. When you turn your focus in you’ll see how busy and uncontrolled the mind really is. It incredible how busy the mind is even when you stop doing things. It’s amazing how tight the body is when you bend in a certain way. To be aware of these things helps you move closer understanding your true self and will generate absolute focus in life. I have found that the purest focus comes when you aren’t carrying around other worries or weights. This is when you can turn your mind and body to one activity and accomplish it with pure focus, without distraction, because you are in control of your mind and body. When you are ruled by thoughts flying into your consciousness and body aches creeping in then your full potential is compromised. We identify with the mind and body as if that’s who you really are. It isn’t. You know it isn’t because you can listen and watch them. As Sadhguru has said - “Your TV is yours but it is not YOU.” You can watch your TV but you wouldn’t call it you. This online class will help you move closer to realising your true potential and your true self.

About Me

I studied Ashtanga Yoga at the Chi Yoga School (part of the internationally recognised Yoga Alliance certification) in the UK in 2009 which is part of the Yoga Alliance. I ran my own Yoga studio just outside of London for a year in 2010 before moving into teaching at gyms and sports centres. I have since stopped but have a regular practice and attend classes.