Saying Goodbye to Grant Park Manor

It has been a special place to so many, but the old church at 575 Boulevard, aka ‘Grant Park Manor’ has been shut down indefinitely. It is with a heavy heart that we must let it go, but after 3 years of maintenance problems, neglected safety repairs and never-ending conflicts with the landlord, the historic location has become unmanageable. 




It turns out that our landlord had not paid his mortgage on our Grant Park studio location in over a year and he was being sued by the bank. He lined up a buyer for the building to bail himself out but they wouldn't close on the property if it had active tenants.  So he violated a court-order and locked up the building with all our property locked inside. His actions generated him almost THREE MILLION DOLLARS in the sale, and he is currently walking away free & clear.  The new owners ignored requests from our attorney and have since disposed of over $100k in our community property, including our entire recording studio, photo studio, event equipment and all personal property on loan from our members and partner organizations. 

The impact is impossible to calculate, and yet this story is so familiar; a tired cliché of a wealthy individual openly violating laws while profiteering at the expense of whole communities of people. That might be how this story started, but it is not how it has to end.  If you ever came to Mixdeity Studios, even once, you are already part of the story.  We invite you to share your experience, and join us as we stand up to defend our community. 

Please text/call us at 404-777-3507 for details on how you can help make an impact on how this story ends, and how you can help shape the next chapter of Mixdeity.